Easing the pain of property transactions
Here at Bell Cornwell, we pride ourselves on knowing the ins and outs of the planning system. Because of that, we have a wealth of experience and knowledge we can offer to both estate agents and homeowners when it comes to buying and selling property.
Property transactions are long and drawn out at the best of times. Delays due to unresolved planning issues or queries will only add to that burden. Early involvement from a planning consultant can smooth that process.
Estate Agents are experts in their field, but sometimes need that extra planning input to assist a vendor or prospective purchaser in realising a property’s potential. This is where we can help one another.
As a property owner, if you are starting to think about going on the market or looking to purchase, we can help you maximise the potential, add value to a sale or enable you to purchase with greater certainty.
The trick is to get us involved early on, perhaps following the initial valuation of the property. If you have picked up that there is a potential opportunity or there may be a problem, but you are not sure what to do, give us a call.
- Does the garden really have potential for development?
- What about those disused outbuildings? Do they have potential for conversion?
- Did the extension need planning permission?
- Have works been done to a listed building without consent?
- Is the business use in the property authorised?
- Is there anything that will get picked up in the search that could slow down the sale?
- Is there anything that would put buyers off that can be resolved now?
We can explore the potential to maximise the value of the property and/or land. This could enable a sale or purchase with planning permission, securing the additional value that could be realised.
We can look at alternative options where previous proposals have failed, even where they have been dismissed at appeal. We can investigate the local plan policies and see where there are opportunities, even in the more restricted land use areas, to obtain beneficial planning permissions.
It is also sometimes necessary to address unresolved issues of unauthorised development or uses. We can obtain a retrospective consent or a Lawful Development Certificate to reduce the risk of anything holding up the sale.
We can assist in all of these areas, recommending appropriate action. We will support you by providing clear, realistic planning advice, which will assist in achieving a positive outcome on the sale or purchase of the property, so everyone gains.