A draft of the proposed new East Devon Local Plan has now been published for public consultation and comments can be made up to 15th January 2023.
The draft plan sets out the approach to be taken for the amount and location of new development in the district up to 2040. The draft plan proposes the delivery of 18,000 new homes with a particular focus being on growth in the western part of the district.
Key features of the plan include the proposal for a large new settlement close to Exeter. Exmouth is identified as district’s largest and most sustainable town and is therefore identified as a location for significant further growth but with some expansion also proposed for the district’s other towns.
A notable change from the approach set out in the current local plan is that growth is now proposed at a number of the larger and better served villages, particularly those in the western areas.
Bell Cornwell has been involved in work across East Devon for many years and we therefore have an in-depth understanding of planning issues affecting the area. If you would like to know more about the Council’s future plans or need assistance in making comments, we would be delighted to hear from you.