What’s changed?
The new Class BC of Part 4 of the General Permitted Development Order comes into effect on 26th July 2023. This will allow landowners to use their land (subject to some restrictions) for the siting of tents and motorhomes for up to 60 days a year, and for up to 50 pitches, without having to first make a planning application
What is not Permitted?
As before, the new rights do not extend to sites which are on a site of scheduled ancient monument, in a safety hazard area, in a military explosives area, on a site of special scientific interest or, on a site of a listed building. The siting of any caravan is also not permitted.
What Can We Do For You?
The new rights almost double the number of days previously allowed to run a camp site without applying for planning permission. It is therefore a fantastic opportunity for landowners to operate tourist facilities across a longer season, without having to go through the planning process.
Consulting us will help you gain a clear view as to whether or not planning permission is required, and reduce time and cost so that you can benefit from the new opportunity
If you have any questions in relation to this or any other forms of development, then we would be delighted to speak to you.
Get in touch with us now .https://www.bell-cornwell.co.uk/contact/