Kensington and Chelsea Local Plan Review

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s Local Plan

Decoration Decoration

RBKC’s Regulation 19 Local Plan draft is out for public consultation

Development Plans
30 November 2022
Author Geoff Megarity
Principal Planner
Decoration Decoration

A key opportunity to influence the new Local Plan which will help shape the Borough for the next 20 years


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The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) has published its draft new Local Plan for a consultation that takes place until 22 December 2022. The draft Plan aims to deliver a “Green, Inclusive and Liveable” vision for future development in the Borough over the next 20 years.

A key takeaway is the proposal to ban all amalgamations in the Borough. We have supported many clients in securing planning permission to amalgamate properties in RBKC over the years. However, it is the view of the Council that this has harmed housing delivery, despite the amalgamation policy currently allowing only 170sqm of existing residential floorspace to be combined.

The Borough has also focused on a number of environmental considerations, which are in line with both the London Plan and supplementary planning guidance. The Council propose formal policy in their new Local Plan in order to progress towards their Net Zero ambition.

The Council will proactively encourage measures taken to reduce carbon via retrofitting in a sustainable manner. There is support for the installation of double glazing and solar panels on designated heritage assets, which is a huge shift from the previous reluctance to allow these in Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings.

Other new policy ambitions include that all applications must be submitted with a Fire Strategy and that all new residential development will be car parking permit free. Furthermore, all new car parking spaces created by residential development must be equipped with electric car charging units.

This Regulation 19 stage of the process is a key opportunity to influence the contents of new Local Plan and ensure your interests are promoted. A number of our London based consultants have worked across RBKC for many years and therefore have an in-depth understanding of planning issues affecting the area.  If you would like to know more about RBKCs future plans or need assistance in making comments, we would be delighted to hear from you.

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