I speculatively sent off CVs and was delighted to be invited to an interview with my favoured company. Little did I know that this interview with Bell Cornwell would be the last job interview I would ever need! 20 years later, I’m still here and not planning on going anywhere…
I joined as a Senior Planner, thriving in an environment that gave me the freedom to build my own network of clients and projects, but with the backing of a highly experienced team. I rose up through the ranks, culminating in becoming a Partner in 2013, and supported the retirement of the original Partners over the following 5 years.
And there began the second generation of the business… Succession planning within a small business is not easily achieved. It is testament to our strong foundations that we have successfully navigated that path. Reflecting on the last 20 years, the business has seen significant success and growth, tackling the inevitable hurdles along the way, and coming out the other side better and stronger.
When I joined, the company had one office in Hampshire, with Exeter and Buckinghamshire following in 2007 and 2008 respectively. We opened the London office in 2016, which I led until 2020. I really enjoyed the challenge of building that team and client base. More recently, we added Cornwall in 2021 and our newest office, Hertfordshire, in 2024, where I am working with our great team of Hertfordshire experts to raise our profile in that area.
This geographical spread offers local presence and knowledge of the intricacies of each local planning authority, strengthened by the collective experience and expertise of the wider business to support a diverse mix of clients and projects.
Each and every team member, across all the offices, make a valued contribution to the business, and it is a pleasure to work with you all! Our approach is to empower the team to look after our clients, giving them the tools they need to provide the best planning advice. Creating those career opportunities is a privilege.
Being a Partner offers the best of both worlds. I relish the involvement in all the operational aspects of the business, working alongside our brilliant Business Support team, whilst still mentoring and managing planners and looking after clients. The added benefit of being in a Partnership is that I am never on my own. I appreciate the reinforcement my Partners provide, sharing the highs and lows.
The challenge of determining the right direction for the business strategy going forward, holding true to our origins to be the best planning consultancy we can be, is a great motivator. I will never stop seeking to learn and improve.
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has encouraged and sustained me along the way, making the last 20 years so rewarding and fulfilling. As we look to the future, I am excited to see what the next 20 years will bring!