Local Authority
East DevonServices
ApplicationsProject Overview
Acting on behalf of Clinton Devon Estates, Bell Cornwell has successfully secured reserved matters approval for a new industrial building on the edge of Woodbury Common in East Devon. The approval follows on from a grant of outline permission on the land at the end of 2018, a project which Bell Cornwell were also involved in.
The approval will allow the construction of a new building, which will provide an extra 10,000 sq.ft of new industrial space for use by Blackhill Engineering, the occupiers of existing premises on adjoining land. Blackhill Engineering are a premium metal fabrication business whose success has meant they require additional premises in order that their future growth plans can be delivered. As a result of the approval, the company will be able to implement the first phase of its planned growth.
The location of the scheme – within the East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and on the edge of the Pebblebed Heaths, a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a European Protected Site – meant that considerable efforts were made as part of the development of the scheme to ensure that there would be no harm to the landscape or ecological value of the area. The scheme incorporated a range of measures, including the creation of two hectares of new heathland, construction of a hibernaculum for great crested newts and work to minimise the effects of lighting at the site.
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