Local Authority
ApplicationsProject Overview
The application was particularly sensitive due to the nature of the proposed development and the site’s location in the countryside and next to the coast.
The new buildings and associated outside space will be an exemplar 21st century crematorium, which will provide a unique, high quality and sustainable facility, which moves away from the ‘municipal’ feel of many existing crematoria. The design was led by a clear ambition to integrate the facility into the landscape, whilst taking maximum advantage of outstanding uninterrupted views of the Atlantic.
Landscape and visual impact assessment work was carried out at the outset by very experienced specialists (Lavigne Lonsdale). The proposed scheme was reviewed twice by the Cornwall Design Review Panel, which endorsed the exemplar design.
As there is no specific development plan policy regarding crematoria in the adopted Cornwall Local Plan, the proposed development was justified using the NPPF presumption in favour of sustainable development. There were a number of material considerations which weighed in favour of granting planning permission; the most important being the need for the new crematorium (both quantitative and qualitative). The application was supported by a detailed need assessment, produced by crematorium experts Fulcrum Development Consultancy.
Other important material considerations were the economic benefits along with the suitability of the site and its location. Whilst there was no policy requirement to do so, the project team carried out systematic alternative site search analysis, which concluded that there were no suitable and available alternative sites for a new crematorium to meet the identified need.
The application was supported by a full suite of technical reports. In addition to highways, ecology and air quality were key issues. It was demonstrated that the proposed development would generate a large net gain in biodiversity and the project team satisfied Cornwall Council’s Environmental Protection Team that a well-run and maintained crematorium would be able to operate well below permitted maximum emission standard concentrations.
Despite a challenging set of constraints, the application received the full support of planning officers and was approved by Cornwall Council’s Strategic Planning Committee. For further information about this project or to find out how we can help with your proposals please get in touch.