Local Authority
Exeter CityServices
ApplicationsProject Overview
Bell Cornwell assisted sustainable property developer, Grenadier Estates, in achieving planning permission for a development of up to 60,000 sq. ft. of B1(a) office space, in a prominent and sensitive location on the edge of Exeter’s Business Park.
The application submission needed to take account of various issues, including the implications of highway movements, drainage, air quality and ecological issues. The site is also located directly underneath the flight path associated with Exeter International Airport.
Following representations from the Airport, who raised concerns over the aviation implications of the scheme (relating to the height of the building and the potential for solar glare from a PV Panel installation), Bell Cornwell were able to negotiate a number of flexible parameters with the Airport and the LPA which will enable this planning permission to be delivered without undue burden.
The application also generated a number of objections relating to the traffic generation associated with the scheme.
However, despite these concerns which were also raised by the Local Member, Bell Cornwell were able to assist the client in obtaining a planning permission under delegated powers.