Local Authority
ApplicationsProject Overview
Bell Cornwell has secured planning permission granted by planning committee, subject to a section 106 agreement, for the development of 39 flats in Kenton Road in the London Borough of Brent.
The site currently consists of 3 semi-detached dwellings, which will be demolished. The principle of redeveloping the site was acceptable in terms of the development plan policy for the site, which is within an area which is largely residential, but also with some commercial uses. However, detailed discussions were necessary through Brent’s pre-application process over a ten-month period, in order to come up with a scheme which would meet the approval of the Brent planners and urban designers.
The scheme includes affordable housing and a mix of dwelling sizes to help to address Brent’s very high housing requirements. A good level of amenity space is provided on site, with private balconies and a shared garden which includes a play area.
The new building is a contemporary design by Nick Willson Architects, which utilises good architecture with quality detailing and materials in order to maximise the potential of the site, whilst respecting surrounding development.
Comments from neighbours during pre-consultation engagement resulted in a basement car park providing 30 car parking spaces being included in the scheme, to avoid adding pressure onto the existing on-road parking situation. The scheme was also partially redesigned to address issues raised through the consultation.