Local Authority
Richmond upon ThamesServices
ApplicationsProject Overview
Bell Cornwell has obtained planning permission for four new 4 bedroom semi-detached residential properties on land at Hospital Bridge Road, Twickenham.
The site presented a fantastic opportunity to remove a dated bungalow from the street scene, a property type that was at odds with the surrounding area. Instead of a simple refurbishment or conversion, it is to be replaced with a well-considered scheme better suited to the location. The new development will provide sought-after accommodation with parking as well as contributing ecological improvements.
Key to the delivery of the site was the ability to promote a scheme that was viable. In order to achieve this, Bell Cornwell, with the assistance of Bailey Venning Associates, presented the necessary viability case in order to omit the requirement for an affordable housing contribution of £309,387. Following an independent assessment, the Council verified that the proposed scheme was not viable with such a contribution alongside the significant Community Infrastructure Levy sum. Resulting in a nil contribution to affordable housing – a fantastic outcome for our client.
If you would like to know more about the project or for advice on similar schemes and viability issues, please get in touch.