Local Authority
Applications, Heritage and ConservationProject Overview
Bell Cornwell assisted Lincoln Holdings to achieve planning permission and listed building consent for two separate schemes to refurbish and extend four 100-year-old Grade II * listed buildings and Gertrude Jekyll landscaped gardens in Wealden countryside overlooking Midhurst, within the proposed National Park.
The first scheme created a new large hospital beside the listed buildings, which were converted into 222 residential flats and complemented by new-build housing in the grounds for 108 dwellings. Twenty-one affordable key worker units were to be created on-site for hospital staff.
Following the closure of the hospital, Lincoln Holdings have obtained consent for the residential development of the buildings for 263 dwellings including a new build wing for affordable housing, a shop, leisure facilities, a business suite and the retention of Class C2, residential institutional use, in one of the more recently constructed hospital buildings.
The proposals significantly enhance the sustainability of the listed buildings, whilst preserving their special historic and architectural qualities, alongside the restored Registered Garden setting.
The projects have involved members of the public throughout in consultations, as well as on-going dialogue with the local planning authority and other statutory bodies to restore and safeguard a major heritage asset for the community.