Local Authority
Applications, Community Consultation, Heritage and ConservationProject Overview
The proposals for this major redevelopment scheme on a brownfield site are located on a former Ministry of Defence Site within the Surrey Green Belt.
Bell Cornwell worked closely with Octagon and Woking Borough Council to bring forward an alternative to an old extant planning approval for a business park that had lain dormant for over 15 years. Issues with the proposals for the new scheme regarding development control and the Development Plan were overcome, however, further down the line an alternative proposal was required due to being unable to progress with the school element.
This amended application was designed to maintain openness, enhance the landscape and make use of the Site’s heritage assets, whilst meeting the needs of the local area. The scheme provides 179 houses, including on-site affordable housing, employment opportunities and long-awaited transport improvements within West Byfleet.
Extensive public consultation, including a well-attended event, ensured that there was significant support from local residents and interest groups. The application was heard at Committee where Members voted unanimously in favour of the application despite officer recommendation for refusal, stating that there is strong local support and the very special circumstances put forward significantly outweigh any perceived harm.
After lengthy negotiation over S106 contributions, a number of pre-commencement conditions and sign off from the Secretary of State, we successfully obtained Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent for the revised proposals, which include:
The negotiated scheme is a fantastic example of what is possible when a willing owner, Council and community engage with each other to overcome problems and make the best of a site’s potential.
Following Bell Cornwell’s run of success with this large Green Belt site, we continue to work closely with Octagon Developments Limited and its partners to implement and deliver this important housing-led redevelopment.