Local Authority
ApplicationsProject Overview
The site formed part of the garden of an existing dwelling, located along a private road in a well sort after part of North Fleet in Hampshire.
The project required discussions with the Council throughout the application period, with an agreement reached early on that the principle of placing a new dwelling on the plot could be supported by the Planning Officers. However, the site was constrained to some extent by trees and this was a key consideration for the Council. Although some modest changes were made following discussions between the Council’s and the Applicant’s Arboricultural advisors, it was ultimately agreed that the trees would be unharmed.
As the site is within a Conservation Area, there was also a statutory duty on the Council to ensure that the character and appearance of the area was preserved or enhanced.
Due to the variety of architectural styles found locally to the site, it was not necessary to pursue a design that followed a rigid form, but nevertheless, it was necessary to ensure that the proposed dwelling remained in keeping with the local vernacular, particularly in terms of scale and mass. This was achieved early on in the application process and ultimately the Case Officer was able to recommend approval and a decision was made under delegated powers.