Local Authority
Basingstoke and DeaneServices
Applications, Certificates of Lawfulness, Heritage and ConservationProject Overview
Bell Cornwell has successfully obtained planning permission for a twelve dwelling Rural Exception Site on open farmland opposite a Grade II Listed cottage in Herriard, Hampshire.
Ten of the dwellings were secured as affordable housing with the remaining two as open market. The project required detailed discussions with the Council, prior to, and throughout the planning application. Viability evidence was submitted to robustly demonstrate that without the two market dwellings, the scheme which provides the ten affordable houses would not be financially viable.
As part of the application Bell Cornwell satisfactorily demonstrated that there would be no adverse impact on the significance of the heritage asset, gaining full support from the Council’s Conservation Officer. The application was approved under delegated powers in a timely manner only days before CIL coming into effect.
After following our advice on the implementation of the planning permission, we have since secured a lawful development certificate. This will retain an extant consent beyond the stipulated three years, which secures the permission in perpetuity and gives our client the flexibility to take as long as they want to build.