Local Authority
North DevonServices
Applications, Policy and Site PromotionProject Overview
Bell Cornwell has secured outline planning approval for 14 dwellings (including affordable housing) on a former Water Board Storage depot in North Tawton, Devon.
The site was designated as an Asset of Community Value (ACV) due to it being formerly leased to the local community who used it for composting and small-scale horticulture. Bell Cornwell were able to guide our client through dealing with the constraints associated with this designation and address the concerns of the community by incorporating a more formal and better quality allotment provision as part of the proposals to allow their recreational community to continue.
Bell Cornwell worked at length with North Tawton Town Council to promote and successfully secure an allocation for residential development of the site within their Neighbourhood Plan. This, in turn, allowed us to submit a planning application on our client’s behalf that not only exploited the local authority’s inability to demonstrate a 5-year housing land supply but to present a scheme that benefited from the support of the development plan (North Tawton Neighbourhood Plan) for the area.
Bell Cornwell worked closely with the project architect and technical consultants to ensure the delivery of high-quality comprehensive design solution for the site that reflects the character of the town and will provide genuine benefits to the community.