Local Authority
East DevonServices
Applications, Policy and Site PromotionProject Overview
Acting on behalf of Clinton Devon Estates, Bell Cornwell has successfully secured outline planning permission for a residential development (for five dwellings) in East Budleigh, Devon. The application was particularly sensitive as the village falls within the East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Following the adoption of the East Devon Local Plan and discussions with the local planning authority (LPA) regarding the level of affordable housing need in the area, a housing need survey was undertaken by Bell Cornwell, on behalf of the client. The survey identified that there was an express need for at least three affordable houses in the parish.
Using the information provided, Bell Cornwell’s advice to the landowner was to put forward a scheme of five dwellings (now approved), which specifically responded to the confirmed housing need requirements for the area and therefore satisfied the relevant requirements of the Local Plan. The scheme also included two open market houses needed to make the scheme financially viable.
A key element of the work was to promote the scheme as being needed as part of the (now approved) neighbourhood plan for the parish. Bell Cornwell engaged in detail and at length with the local community in relation to all stages of the neighbourhood plan preparation process including the examination stage. In making our recommendations to the neighbourhood plan, the Inspector agreed with our position on behalf of Clinton Devon Estates and this opened the way forward for the approval of the scheme.
Image Credit – Lacey Hickie & Caley (LHC)