Local Authority
ApplicationsProject Overview
Acting on behalf of Homes England, Bell Cornwell has successfully secured outline planning permission for 42 dwellings in Camborne, Cornwall.
The site has a complex planning history, forming part of a large development area, and has been vacant for over 15 years. Cornwall Council had long term aspirations for commercial uses in this location and planning officers were initially opposed to a residential scheme on the application site. After detailed negotiations, we were able to demonstrate that the applicant had met all marketing obligations and the requirement for community facilities and that the site was unsuitable for other commercial uses, including office and retail uses.
We were successful in convincing the local authority that there was no policy justification for a mixed-use development and that Homes England had a policy compliant scheme that would deliver much-needed housing, affordable housing and lifetime homes in a very sustainable location.
Part of Bell Cornwell’s role was to negotiate the conditions and planning obligations with the local authority. We were able to reduce the number of pre-commencement conditions attached to the permission, to help expedite the delivery of housing on this site.