Local Authority
Hammersmith and FulhamServices
Applications, Permitted Development and Prior ApprovalProject Overview
Bell Cornwell has secured planning permission for three generously-sized one and two-bedroom residential flats within the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, London. This included conversion from a retail unit, internal alterations and a small rear first-floor addition.
The application confirms acceptance from the Council for the principle of loss of the existing retail use and the replacement with a residential use. It should be noted that the ground-floor retail unit and basement (storage use) was located out of the centre, away from the main high street, in what is known as a ‘non-designated cluster or parade’.
As well as demonstrating that the site was well located for residential use, evidence had to be submitted to confirm vacancy of the shop and the reasoning behind its unsuitable location to continue in that use. This position was recognised by the Council and taken into account as a material consideration within the determination of the application.
A professional sunlight/daylight assessment was undertaken by an independent consultant to confirm that the proposed first-floor addition would not impact the adjoining neighbour and would conform to the planning guidance set out in Hammersmith and Fulham’s Planning Guidance SPD 2018. This meant that the living conditions for the neighbouring occupier would remain acceptable.
To increase the chance of planning success, a prior approval application was submitted to the Council prior to the submission of the full planning application. This established the principle of a change of use from retail to residential, under permitted development rights, which only required consideration of flood risk, noise, parking and land contamination. This was then followed by a full planning application to secure permission for the extensions and alterations to the building required to optimise the development. It was critical to make the applications in that order to ensure that the change of use was already established under the prior approval procedure so this could be given weight within the assessment of the full planning application.
Bell Cornwell will now work with the client to ensure a smooth application process for the pre-commencement and pre-occupation conditions for the proposed development.