Local Authority
Windsor and MaidenheadServices
ApplicationsProject Overview
Planning and Conservation Area consent has been granted in the Maidenhead Riverside Conservation Area (MRCA) for the demolition of an existing house and the erection of a replacement dwelling.
Bell Cornwell assisted Octagon Bespoke Ltd on behalf of private clients who applied for Planning and Conservation Area Consent to demolish an unlisted building within the MRCA and replace it with a new bespoke-built single-family dwelling. In planning terms, the application was a one-for-one replacement. In flood protection terms the replacement was on a like-for-like footprint.
In heritage terms, the application was for the replacement of one older ‘positive’ building with a new ‘positive’ building to enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.
The unlisted building known as Hampton Lodge had been identified in a recently adopted Conservation Area appraisal as a ‘significant non-listed building’ and described as being of the early 20th century arts and crafts design style.
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