Local Authority
AppealsProject Overview
Planning permission has been allowed on appeal by written representations for the erection of a detached dwelling within a ribbon development to the south of South Warnborough. The settlement boundary does not include the ribbon development which is separated from the main village by a relatively short stretch of open countryside.
Hart District Council refused the scheme on the grounds of harm to the character and appearance of the locality and open countryside, and inadequate drainage information. Bell Cornwell (and Noel Wright Architects) having been involved with the project from the outset, and considered that the Council were on weak grounds, advised the client to take the application to appeal.
Bell Cornwell set out in the appeal statement that the site was in a sustainable location, a distance of only some 400 metres from the village centre, accessed by a footpath. The proposed development would sit within a continuously built up frontage. The scale and design of the dwelling reflected that of the existing residential development in the row. The Inspector considered a new house would not be out of place, and there would be no adverse impact upon the character and appearance of the site and locality, nor would there be any wider impact upon the open countryside.
The Inspector was satisfied that the drainage issues could be dealt with by a condition. In his conclusion, he added that the additional dwelling would be a benefit bringing social and economic benefits to the village.