Local Authority
ApplicationsProject Overview
This project involved the demolition of a vacant car showroom/sales premises and an office building and the redevelopment of the site for a Premier Inn budget hotel.
The principal site constraints were:
The existing buildings had been vacant for several years despite an extensive marketing campaign and the refurbishment of the office building.
Bell Cornwell was involved at the pre-planning stage, advising our client on the prospects of obtaining planning permission for a hotel in this location, engaging in pre-application discussions with the local planning authority and preparing the planning statement in support of the application.
The principal hurdle to be overcome was the loss of the employment use on the site as Hart DC had successfully fought an appeal against residential development on the site and adjoining land in 2008.
Bell Cornwell successfully demonstrated that circumstances had changed materially since then, thereby enabling the planning officers to recommend that the application be approved.
The principle of hotel use in this non town centre location was dealt with in a specialist report prepared by MWA Planning of Gloucester. Public consultation was carried out Polymedia.
The decision was taken by the Development Control Committee at Hart District Council, who unanimously agreed with the planning officer’s recommendation to grant planning permission, subject to Section 106 infrastructure contributions.