Local Authority
Three RiversServices
ApplicationsProject Overview
Bell Cornwell has secured planning permission for the redevelopment of a storage and distribution site (B8 use) in the Metropolitan Green Belt.
The proposal sought to make a number of changes to the existing commercial site including the relocation of the site’s access, sitting of a new office/welfare building on-site following the demolition of two existing buildings, changes to and increase in the area of hard surfacing across the site and associated drainage works, and changes to the site’s boundary treatment and landscaping.
In successfully achieving planning permission a number of constraints had to be overcome; new building in the Metropolitan Green Belt, development within Flood Zone 2 and the proposed drainage strategy, presence of bats within the buildings, site contamination and trees with TPOs on the boundary. We successfully demonstrated that the development would not be inappropriate development in the Green Belt and the new building and resurfacing of the site would not have an adverse impact on the openness of the Green Belt. Appropriate mitigation measures were proposed to address the other site constraints and ensure a development that would be beneficial for the area.
Close liaison with all technical consultants and the Council resulted in a delegated officer approval. This means that a successful and growing local business will be able to fully establish itself in its desired area. This will bring about positive economic benefits to the area.