Local Authority
ApplicationsProject Overview
Bell Cornwell has secured planning permission for the erection of five dwellings on previously developed land in the Green Belt and Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
The proposal consisted of the demolition of the existing outbuildings, the removal of the hardstanding and the erection of five dwellings at Portobello Farm in Asheridge Road. The site lies outside the settlement boundary of Chesham.
Working closely with Architectural Consultants and Chartered Building Surveyor, Edward Hunt & Co., we were able to demonstrate that the resulting decrease in total built floorspace meant that the development would not harm the openness of the Green Belt.
As well as being Green Belt and AONB, the site had highways issues, including a lack of pedestrian access to bus stops and local services. Even so, it was shown that these constraints did not prevent the site’s redevelopment. The Council assessed that the proposed development constituted a sustainable form of development when considering the economic, social and environmental benefits, which weighed in favour of the development proposal.
Key to the application’s success was the Council’s willingness to allow open discussion about the proposal throughout the planning application process, including accepting amended plans showing a reduction in the number of dwellings from the original six to five. Whilst several tweaks needed to be made to the design, whilst maintaining a careful balance with the client’s requirements. The final approved scheme reflected what was expected of this sensitive rural location.
Image credit – Edward Hunt & Co.