Local Authority
Exeter CityServices
ApplicationsProject Overview
Bell Cornwell has assisted a private client in securing outline planning permission for a development of 3 executive style houses, at Pocombe Bridge, Exeter.
The site is greenfield land on the edge of the city, located in a stunning position immediately adjacent to the Alphin Brook. The site was supposedly at risk from flooding, within an Area of Great Landscape Value and heavily constrained by mature woodland and trees. These designations would normally prevent any form of residential development from occurring in this location. However, given Exeter City Council are unable to demonstrate an adequate supply of housing sites, Bell Cornwell were brought in to devise a planning strategy that would secure a high quality development in this sensitive location.
Through detailed survey and modelling work it was demonstrated that the perceived flood risk from the Alphin Brook was in fact not a constraint to development. Working with other members of the development team, Bell Cornwell were able to present convincing arguments to demonstrate that the development would not harm the landscape setting of the City, and a high quality design solution was secured to take account of the sensitivity of the site.
Bell Cornwell were able to negotiate with officers and consultees on all technical matters at the pre-application advice stage, and took the application forward for the client. Bell Cornwell helped steer the application towards a successful outcome with the Officers granting a delegated planning permission for outline consent.