Local Authority
ApplicationsProject Overview
Bell Cornwell has gained consent for 6 new three-bedroom semi-detached dwellings on land to the rear of 93-97 Manor Road North, Thames Ditton, for our client Denton Homes.
The application’s success was largely down to the scheme’s efficient use of land, a design that responds positively to the existing and valued local character of the area and the Council actively seeking the provision of three-bed houses. The houses are sufficiently separated from those fronting Manor Road North to avoid any negative impacts on amenity and a new access road will be provided following the demolition of the side extension of number 97.
The main challenge we faced during the course of the application was viability. Elmbridge’s policy on affordable housing seeks contributions from sites of 1 unit or more. Sites of 6-14 dwellings are expected to provide an onsite provision of 30%. In this case, our viability evidence showed that this was not achievable and after detailed discussions with the Council, a reduced contribution was confirmed through a legal agreement and a satisfactory result was achieved for both client and Council.