We can advise how to deliver sustainable and policy compliant solutions

Reflecting the Government’s plans to achieve a net zero carbon economy, the planning system is increasingly requiring that renewable and low carbon energy solutions be delivered as integral parts of new developments. Developers and landowners therefore need to understand how such technologies can be delivered and the issues and opportunities which come with the use of such systems.
In parallel, the wider drive towards sustainability means that the way in which waste is managed is also becoming more carefully controlled, reflecting efforts to reduce the impact which waste has on the environment. Following national and local sustainability objectives, waste authorities are increasingly looking at ways in which waste can be reused or recycled and whether it can be used as a resource in its own right, for example as a means of generating energy.
Bell Cornwell has experience of acting on a wide range of energy and waste projects. We are familiar with national and local planning policies on such uses. We are therefore well placed to provide our clients with well informed and knowledgeable planning advice on such schemes.
Types of development:
- Solar, wind and low carbon energy schemes
- Energy from waste schemes
- Waste local plan site promotion
- Waste and recycling planning applications