
We can provide a robust planning strategy for residential schemes of any size

Bell Cornwell undertakes work on residential projects of all sizes and types, from single dwellings up to major urban extension and regeneration schemes. We act for a wide range of clients in the residential sector including national and regional housing developers, landed estates, affordable housing providers and individuals.
Whilst different housing schemes will share many common issues, there may well be different factors to consider according to the precise nature of the proposal and its size and location. Our experience means that we are very familiar with the strategies available to support residential schemes including how to benefit from opportunities arising from residential land supply deficiencies, previously developed land and the use of rural exceptions policies.
For smaller schemes, opportunities for housing might arise through our knowledge of permitted development and the policies which govern the reuse of rural buildings and replacement dwellings. As well as addressing site specific matters, it will also be necessary to consider the possible implications of affordable housing and planning obligations as these have the potential to affect the design and viability of housing developments.
We provide our residential clients with expert guidance at all stages of work, from the provision of initial advice through to scheme development and the preparation of planning applications. If necessary, we can also support our clients in the progression of all levels of planning appeal including providing services as expert witnesses. Where required, we can also undertake environmental assessments (EIAs) and associated work and work as project managers in the co-ordination and delivery of planning applications.
We stay up to speed on everything required to provide the likes of affordable housing, buy to rent structures, and closely monitor the Community Infrastructure Levy to ensure proposals best chances of success. Through promotion, local engagement, planning applications, and implementation, our works can begin with site sourcing and end with delivering effective solutions.
Types of development:
- Minor residential
- Major residential
- Urban extension and regeneration schemes
- Local plan site promotion
- Exceptional quality design (“Paragraph 80”) houses
- Permitted development rights and prior approval applications
- Barn and redundant building conversions
- Rural exceptions and affordable housing schemes
- Replacement dwellings
Residential Projects
All Projects