Giving heritage assets the consideration they deserve will help to avoid planning mishaps

The protection of heritage assets, including listed buildings, conservation areas, and scheduled ancient monuments, is a crucial aspect of the planning system. These assets hold historical, cultural, and architectural significance, contributing to the character and identity of their surroundings.
Influence on Development Acceptability
The presence of heritage assets directly impacts the acceptability of development proposals. Local organisations and statutory bodies, such as Historic England, play a pivotal role in ensuring that new development respects and preserves heritage assets. Neglecting to consider their implications can jeopardise the approval process and the project’s success.
Identifying Heritage Assets
Our services include conducting thorough assessments to identify heritage assets on or near your property. These assets may be formally designated or possess historical significance without official recognition. Understanding their presence and potential impact is essential for developing proposals that respect heritage values.
Heritage Impact Assessments
We specialise in preparing heritage impact assessments to accompany planning applications. These assessments evaluate the potential effects of proposed developments on heritage assets and suggest mitigation measures to minimise adverse impacts. Additionally, we ensure that any necessary approvals, such as listed building consent, are obtained in accordance with regulatory requirements.
Negotiations and Stakeholder Engagement
In cases where heritage considerations require negotiation, we facilitate discussions with relevant stakeholders, including Historic England and local historic amenity groups. Collaborative engagement ensures that proposed developments strike a balance between heritage preservation and project objectives.
Safeguarding heritage assets is not only a legal obligation but also a moral responsibility to preserve our cultural legacy for future generations. We are here to help you navigate the Planning System, uphold the integrity of our built environment and promote sustainable development. Get in touch with the Bell Cornwell team for further help and advice.